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 Henchpanions Episode 2: The Break Down.

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General Stormcaller

General Stormcaller

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Henchpanions Episode 2: The Break Down. Empty
PostSubject: Henchpanions Episode 2: The Break Down.   Henchpanions Episode 2: The Break Down. EmptyWed Aug 06, 2008 10:14 pm

This is the Breakdown of Episode 2 of the Henchpanions Series.

Do not reply to this thread, unless your someone else in the series, and making Footnotes. Still, only do this BETWEEN ACTS. Not between parts.

Thank you.

Episode 2 - Reunion.

Act 1:
Part 1: Seperate Ways... Or Maybe not to Seperate.

After the Sequence of Events of Henchpanions, 1, several things happened to our beloved Heroes.

Retchit used his massive wealth to take control of the Pinklord's old Fortress, shipping the entire Roomt he Princess was held in off to the distant Barrens, never to be seen again. He hired several guards and workers, and quickly became a blossoming company. Of What, nobody has any clue.

Rork/Rark became a Famous Bongo Player, and continued to "Get all the Ladies." You know what I mean.

Mud, or now, "Gentlemen Mud" rebuilt the Burning City as a massive Country Club Gourmet, also some how retrieving Broodmother Lincolm and making him/her his assitant. No one questioned how he was alive, why he was there, or how the hell he could speak so well. He just was, is, and can.

Kael became a wanderer. Period.

However, eventually they were bound to meet again. Kael met up with Rark/Rork, and they quickly decided to "Round up the Gang" for another adventure. With a final farewell to his ladies, Rark/Rork left with Kael to find Mud. Shortly after, they arrived at his country club. Mud proved unwilling to leave, so Rark/Rork stuffed him into a Bongo, kidnapping him, and leaving Broodmother Lincoln in charge.

At the same time, a Bounty Hunter named Tricia arrived at Retchit's castle. His guards let her in, as Retchit had been waiting for a Bounty Hunter for a while. Why? To kill his former Henchpanions. Why Else? Unfortuneatly, moments asfter she arrived, so did Rark/Rork, Kael, and Mud. The guards quickly let them in after them syaing they were Retchit's friends, much to Retchit's cries of protest.

Upon entering the room, Retchit tells Tricia to kill them. She Refuses, and Retchit is kidnapped by the Henchpanions, as his guards sit and do nothing, due to their utter stupidity and laziness. Tricia, however, followed after for reasons unknown, but most likely to get a job, or at least get paid. Or maybe Boredom.

Never any good help these days.

Shortly after being kidnapped, a massive surge of Naga approached the Castle, demaing the release of a Naga Warpriestess held inside, one of Retchit's captives, for unknown reasons. The guards inform them that only Retchet may open the gates. And with that, the naga quickly chase after them....

End of Part 1, Act 1.
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