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The Epic RP Empty
PostSubject: The Epic RP   The Epic RP EmptyMon Aug 04, 2008 10:44 pm

Okay, so Stormguy and Cok and I are making an epic RP, that we planned out, we'll be posting about it here.
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The Epic RP Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Epic RP   The Epic RP EmptyMon Aug 04, 2008 11:38 pm

Darkmico wrote:
Okay, so Stormguy and Cok and I are making an epic RP, that we planned out, we'll be posting about it here.

It's CotK, dammit! Mad Everyone calls me Cot or Cok... Sad

And too bad you had to go that rp was going to be awesome. Damned jobs... We'll finish it tomorrow!
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The Epic RP Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Epic RP   The Epic RP EmptyTue Aug 05, 2008 9:41 am

i feel LEFT OUT

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PostSubject: Re: The Epic RP   The Epic RP EmptyTue Aug 05, 2008 10:52 am

lilreon1 wrote:
i feel LEFT OUT



Your always online but also always afk and you weren't there when we planned it...Sad
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General Stormcaller

General Stormcaller

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The Epic RP Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Epic RP   The Epic RP EmptyTue Aug 05, 2008 11:04 am


If you want to be in.

You must be online all of today.

Cause I will be on later.

Than you can be apart of the Greatest Rp EvAr.


Until we make something better.
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The Epic RP Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Epic RP   The Epic RP EmptyTue Aug 05, 2008 11:08 am

General Stormcaller wrote:

If you want to be in.

You must be online all of today.

Cause I will be on later.

Than you can be apart of the Greatest Rp EvAr.


Until we make something better.

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The Epic RP Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Epic RP   The Epic RP EmptyTue Aug 05, 2008 11:13 am

Linengrad can be the villan peoples, we need one of those.
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The Epic RP Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Epic RP   The Epic RP EmptyTue Aug 05, 2008 11:17 am

Darkmico wrote:
Linengrad can be the villan peoples, we need one of those.

Linengrad? Villain peoplez? What?

Isn't gen doing the villain pplz?
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General Stormcaller

General Stormcaller

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The Epic RP Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Epic RP   The Epic RP EmptyTue Aug 05, 2008 11:18 am

My Villan Pplz Pwn.

Their gunna be Henchmen.

And be randomly talking as we go through the Adventure.

Making odd jokes that make no sense to them, but oddly talk about something funny the Adventurer's are doing.

And Etc.
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The Epic RP Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Epic RP   The Epic RP EmptyTue Aug 05, 2008 11:21 am

General Stormcaller wrote:
My Villan Pplz Pwn.

Their gunna be Henchmen.

And be randomly talking as we go through the Adventure.

Making odd jokes that make no sense to them, but oddly talk about something funny the Adventurer's are doing.

And Etc.

That's oddly odd.
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General Stormcaller

General Stormcaller

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The Epic RP Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Epic RP   The Epic RP EmptyTue Aug 05, 2008 11:23 am

CotK wrote:

That's oddly odd.

And Epicly Awesome.

Lil' is not in Da Loop!

If any one else besides those already in the loop-

Which I doubt

- Be on in an hour 1/2 or so!

Cause that's when I might be back!
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The Epic RP Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Epic RP   The Epic RP EmptyTue Aug 05, 2008 11:23 am

ummm wats like the theme type thing im REALLY confused

fill me in pls Very Happy king
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PostSubject: Re: The Epic RP   The Epic RP EmptyTue Aug 05, 2008 11:25 am

lilreon1 wrote:
ummm wats like the theme type thing im REALLY confused

fill me in pls Very Happy king

We time...'cause were sorta all busy right now so when gen comes back, we'll fill you in and you can take a part in the epic rp.

Cuz were epicly friendly like that.
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The Epic RP Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Epic RP   The Epic RP EmptyTue Aug 05, 2008 4:08 pm

Woot! First post after adventure!
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PostSubject: Re: The Epic RP   The Epic RP EmptyTue Aug 05, 2008 4:09 pm


hmmmm we should like set up a map for certain themes so we can have it custom made so we can juss get to rping Very Happy
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The Epic RP Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Epic RP   The Epic RP EmptyTue Aug 05, 2008 4:10 pm

Darkmico wrote:
Woot! First post after adventure!

Second! Write about the rp!

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The Epic RP Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Epic RP   The Epic RP EmptyTue Aug 05, 2008 4:12 pm

Well let's see

we start off our story with a small but charming murloc in a dead end city....
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General Stormcaller

General Stormcaller

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PostSubject: Re: The Epic RP   The Epic RP EmptyTue Aug 05, 2008 4:15 pm

The Epic Rp Breakdown:

The Henchpanions:

Episode 1: [Part 1: The Meeting]

So the story starts off with Rark and Rork, a Twin Headed Ogre, who decides to go fishing. Rark is a fairly smart Head, obsessed with women. Rork is just stupid. At the same time, Mud, a Murloc son of the Murloc Chieftain, also goes fishing. He ends up befriending Rork/Rark, and coming back, only to be exiled from his village by his father.

At the same time, Retchit, a Money-Obsessed, Lunatic, Goblin Tinker, is working on his Detsructo-Bots, mechanical Goblins wired to destroy everything in their path upon order. One goes crazy and ends up shutting down, and as he goes to check on it, the others attack Mud's village. Fortuneatly, they are destroyed rather easily, and only small damage is done. Retchit then meets Rork/Rark and Mud, and tells them to watcht he last Detsructo-Bot as he goes to see the damage the others caused.

As they watch the Destructo-Bot, they also meet a small bear name Luna. During a conversation about where Rark/Rork went into the Bear's cave to see a dead body hanging within, The Detsructo-Bot goes beserk and heads toward the Bear's cave, beginning to destroy it. The bear ends up destroying the Bot, and Retchit comes back, infuriated. So, in order to pay off the debt of the robot, Retchit hires Rark/Rork, Mud, and Luna to come with him and do stuff for him to pay off the debt. What exactly, he didn't know.

Right before leaving, they meet a Sword-Happy, Animal-Loving Warrior named Kael. They bring him along too, for no specific reason. And thus, the Henchpanions were formed.

More to come later, by either me or someone else.
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The Epic RP Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Epic RP   The Epic RP EmptyTue Aug 05, 2008 4:21 pm

Well, to be a bit more indepth on Mud and the ogre heads, Mud, who was completely undervalued by his father for the inability to hunt, ordered him to catch ten fish, and not return home until then. The ogre, one half wanting to fish for fun, the other disliking the idea, also find themselves at the pond. The ogre and murloc converse for a bit, and Mud ends up bringing the ogre to the village, bringing a bear leg the ogre had gotten earlier, as a gift to the chieftain.

The cheiftain hated the taste, and was outraged that mud came back before fulfilling his orders, and was exiled hence. Mud, although not too unhappy about this order, stated he would stick with the ogre until he was found a suitable home.

The ogre didn't mind.

Last edited by Darkmico on Tue Aug 05, 2008 5:28 pm; edited 1 time in total
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The Epic RP Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Epic RP   The Epic RP EmptyTue Aug 05, 2008 4:48 pm

Following the 2nd. chapter.....

So Mud and the Ogre had forged a new compainionship, but a nasty goblin named Retchit kidnapped them and took them north, to a village he had recently destroyed.

It was getting dark, so he ordered them to sleep. Mud wasn't tired or hungry at all, but he obeyed, fearing this demonic goblin's wrath. This goblin was so evil, he had also kidnapped a bear and a human.

Just after Mud had managed to drift to sleep, he was cruelly beaten by the goblin until he got up, which was hard because the ogre and bear were sleeping on top of him.

They headed north, and Mud was beginning to get hungry, but the mean smelly goblin refused to feed him. Using the only defensive mechanisms he knew, he began calling the gobllin names, hoping he would become annoyed enough to stop and let him eat, but it didn't work.

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The Epic RP Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Epic RP   The Epic RP EmptyTue Aug 05, 2008 5:06 pm

Following Chapter 3

So Retchit forced what the hostages called themselves 'henchpanions' north, where they encountered an orc of the north who was having a rough day, Retchit attacked the orc unprovoked, and the orc defended itself. Then Retchit forced Rark and Rork to kill the orc, and yelled at us for not coming to his aid sooner.

We made our way to a town called Northvale (probably) and met some guards. I tried to let the guards know about our situation, but the goblin spoke over me, at first he was somewhat pleasant to the guards, but when he was denied entrance, he began cursing and yelling and even hit the bear out of fury, and then he stormed off with us, because he planned revenge.

Southvale (I think) was right below it, and Retchit planned to destroy everyone in sight. It was a quaint little town with no worries in the world, until Retchit stormed in and killed the guards, enslaved the women, and took all the food for himself! We were forced to sleep out in the cold while he enjoyed life in the palace with good food, unwilling women, and the entire treasury's gold. After two days the food storage ran out, so out of the goblin's infinite cruelty, he dragged the bear inside the palace, and had it killed for meat. The next day he took all the gold and his favorite woman out, and demanded the group leave.

Before leaving completely, though, he tricked Rork/Rark into killing the guards of Northvale.
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The Epic RP Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Epic RP   The Epic RP EmptyTue Aug 05, 2008 5:22 pm

Following Chapter 4

The goblin, wanting a quiet place to dispose of his hostages, declared the group would head northwest, to the city there. Mud, knowing the local area, helpfully lets the goblin know that he meant to say northEAST. The goblin was so angry over being corrected, he beat Mud, and killed his own woman.

The castle guards silently waited for the goblin to leave, and he eventually did, assuming it would be a poor place to kill his victims.

He came to a river, and demanded everyone cross, but poor Mud couldn't possibly get through alive, so he walked around.

He found a giant scorpion that was wondering about the location of Retchit, because he was a partner of his. Mud, not wanting the two to join, lest they do more evil, told him he had never heard of a Retchit. The Scorpion threatened Mud to tell him where Retchit was, but Mud bravely held his ground, and the scorpion eventually became furious enough to continue his search.

When Mud got back to the group (because he would have been lost otherwise) he found Retchit drafting up attack plans on his home city. Mud destroyed the plans, and in rage, Retchit summoned a large pack of ghouls to attack Mud, but Rork and Rark, and Kael were kind enough to aid in the fight.

Retchit then decided to try and meet up with his old partner in crime, and stated they'd head West, to his castle.
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PostSubject: Re: The Epic RP   The Epic RP EmptyTue Aug 05, 2008 5:32 pm

Following chapter 5

The Goblin managed to come into contact with a shady friend of his, and took even more gold than he previously had from some laundering scheme. He got everyone to a castle of an old friend, and ordered everyone inside to be killed, Rork / Rark didn't mind the order, and neither did Kael, but Mud began questioning the goblin's intentions. However, they fought their way inside, to the goblin's friend's throne. This friend was a rather feminine dreadlord that the goblin cruelly referred to as the Pinklord. The Pinklord openly welcomed Retchid in, but Retchid quickly struck him down. The goblin ran off, and the hostages slowly decide to follow him. When they find him, he is standing above the corpse of the castle's princess, her bloody heart in his hand! He devilishly consumes the heart, and jumps at Mud in an adrenaline fueled rage! But, using the power of teamwork, Rork/Rark, Mud, and Kael destroyed the evil goblin, and the day was saved.

Oh, and a spider abraham lincoln joined their group, since he was so awesome.

The crew left the ruined castle, and saw an army of demons attacking a southern city, they rushed to their aid immediately!

This is where the first part of their story ends.

And that's the TRUE story of the TRUE rp we did today, TRUEly.

Now for the montauge credit sequence!

Mud, using his stunning good looks and cutting intellect, quickly became head chairman of the Awesomeness Club, he also returned to his hometown a hero...for some reason.

Rork/Rark became famous musicians for their bongo playing ability, they havn't been seen since last thursday, however.

Kael went missing soon after the battle for the castle. Rumors say that he has gotten a nice house on a nice beach on a nice island, however.

Nobody really knows what happened to Retchit, and if he survived or not.

Go to for the real story and the rest of the credits!

Thanks for reading my version too Razz
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The Epic RP Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Epic RP   The Epic RP EmptyTue Aug 05, 2008 6:49 pm

Epic non-true version. :p
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