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 The Epic Rp Breakdown

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General Stormcaller

General Stormcaller

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PostSubject: The Epic Rp Breakdown   The Epic Rp Breakdown EmptyTue Aug 05, 2008 4:32 pm

I'm using this thread as my way to Breakdown the Epic Rp thread found Here: X

Do NOT Reply to this thread. It is purely to be looked at, and my way of putting the entire Breakdown in one place.

If you have a reply, make it in the thread above.

Thank you.

The Epic Rp Breakdown:

The Henchpanions:

Episode 1: [Part 1: The Meeting]

So the story starts off with Rark and Rork, a Twin Headed Ogre, who decides to go fishing. Rark is a fairly smart Head, obsessed with women. Rork is just stupid. At the same time, Mud, a Murloc son of the Murloc Chieftain, also goes fishing. He ends up befriending Rork/Rark, and coming back, only to be exiled from his village by his father.

At the same time, Retchit, a Money-Obsessed, Lunatic, Goblin Tinker, is working on his Detsructo-Bots, mechanical Goblins wired to destroy everything in their path upon order. One goes crazy and ends up shutting down, and as he goes to check on it, the others attack Mud's village. Fortuneatly, they are destroyed rather easily, and only small damage is done. Retchit then meets Rork/Rark and Mud, and tells them to watcht he last Detsructo-Bot as he goes to see the damage the others caused.

As they watch the Destructo-Bot, they also meet a small bear name Luna. During a conversation about where Rark/Rork went into the Bear's cave to see a dead body hanging within, The Detsructo-Bot goes beserk and heads toward the Bear's cave, beginning to destroy it. The bear ends up destroying the Bot, and Retchit comes back, infuriated. So, in order to pay off the debt of the robot, Retchit hires Rark/Rork, Mud, and Luna to come with him and do stuff for him to pay off the debt. What exactly, he didn't know.

Right before leaving, they meet a Sword-Happy, Animal-Loving Warrior named Kael. They bring him along too, for no specific reason. And thus, the Henchpanions were formed.

More to come later, by either me or someone else.
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General Stormcaller

General Stormcaller

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PostSubject: Re: The Epic Rp Breakdown   The Epic Rp Breakdown EmptyTue Aug 05, 2008 4:39 pm

Part 2 [The Burning City]

Shortly after departing, the crew heads northwest to a city, after breifly discussing something about a princess in a castle. Retchit dismisses this entirely, and leads them to the city where they plan to stop for the night. UPon arriving, they see that the entire city has been burnt, and all the people killed. Nevertheless, they enter and begin to discuss, shortly afterwards falling asleep outside a Church, the only thing no burning. This church did however have piles of skulls in front of it, and corpses littered on the inside. Still, they paid no heed.

On a random note, as they began to fall asleep, other than Retchit, several undead and death knights run by and pillage the town. This goes entirely unnoticed by the Henchpanions. After only 30 minutes, Etchit begins to wake them up, telling them they had been asleep for 24 hours and 30 minutes, instead of just 30 mintues. Kael however, ruins this, and they begin to fall back asleep.

In order to wake them up, Retchit let's loose a flurry of missiles, which quickly gets everyone awake and attentive. As they begin to head north once again, Mud begins to taunt Retchit by calling him a short Orc, something he had started back when they first met. At the same time, Retchit refers to Mud as a fish. However, befre their trek north could start, they witnessed a base of undead connected to the city, directly in their path.

So they decided to turn around, and cross the bridge in the city, going to the other side of the river, and going north from there.
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General Stormcaller

General Stormcaller

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PostSubject: Re: The Epic Rp Breakdown   The Epic Rp Breakdown EmptyTue Aug 05, 2008 4:55 pm

Part 3 [The Adventure North]

Upon going north, the Henchpanions see a Frost Orc, who begins to attack Retchit. Retchit must physically tell the others to kill the Orc, and scolds them for doing nothing as he was attacked, them being his Henchpanions. They continue north, killing several more Frost Orcs, before reaching a large city, called Northvale.[I think.] They ask to be let into the city, and are denied access no matter how many times they lie, or plead. During this time, Rark/Rok keep complaining about Women, and the Bear becomes incredibly annoying, and begins to take the voice of a women. As such, Rark/Rork rape and kill the bear, much to the disgust of.... well, everyone. Eventually they are told to go west to get shelter in a Keep in a Vale.

So they go west, and upon finding the entrance to this vale, which is conviently right under the city, they find more Forst Orcs. After killing the orcs, humans randomly appear and tell them the vale has been overrun by undead and demons. Retchit offers them to kill everything in the vale, for a price of Money, with Mud also wanting Food, and Rark/Rork demanind Women. So they go through and kill everything in the vale, and the survivors give them a massive fee of gold before vanishing.

They return back to the gate of Northvale, only to be told that the survivors were actually the murderer's of some count who lived in the Vale. Nevertheless, they keapt the money, ignored the murderer's, and were allowed into the city. After entering the city, they all instantly stormed off to do there own thing. Mud began to eat around, Kael got a "Girlfriend" and began screwing her all day and night in the castle, and Rark/Rork went to a "Woman Bar" and began screw Woman without end as well. During this time, Mud commented on wanting to eat the Princess, but Rark/Rork said he had killed her when he screwed her too hard.

Don't look at me. I played Retchit.

Anyway, at the end of the three days, Retchit came to the palace to find all of te Henchpanions sleeping inside, some with women, some alone. After a few Bombs and Missiles, he had everyone awake again, and they departed, this time Kael's "Girl Friend" tagging along.

Last edited by General Stormcaller on Tue Aug 05, 2008 5:12 pm; edited 1 time in total
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General Stormcaller

General Stormcaller

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PostSubject: Re: The Epic Rp Breakdown   The Epic Rp Breakdown EmptyTue Aug 05, 2008 5:09 pm

Part 4[The Decision]

After heading west from Northvale, they came to a massive gate blocking the way to a fortress. After standing outside the gate for several minutes without response, Kael's Girlfriend Sheeped Retchit for no appaerent reason. Unhappy with this, Retchit threw a fit, and Rark/Rork accidentally killed Kael's Girlfriend. Kael and Rark/Rork began to argue, and just as Mud began to fantisize over eating "Sheep Goblin", Retchit returned to normal, and broke up the fight. No one every brought up Kael's Whore Girl Friend again.

From here they- more of Retchit- decided to go South. They reached a large river, the same one they had to take a bridge across out of the Burning City. Rark/Rork simply walked through it, and Retchit Teleported to the other side with his technology, and Kael used his magic to come acorss. This left Mud alone, forced to walk around back to the bridge of the burning city and up past the Undead.

On Mud's way down, he encountered a large Demonic Scorpion, looking for Retchit. However, he stated he was looking for a Goblin Named Retchit, and either in a clever trick or simply unknowing belief, Mud claimed he only knew a Small Orc of that name. The Scorpion, in an incredible act of obliviousness, simply left, believing it to be two completely differnet Retchit's.

Short after, Mud finds Retchit, Rark/Rork, and Kael Debating on slaughtering a nearby Murloc Village for no reason. Mud realizes it's his village and tells them such, but they don't seem to care, not even Rork/Rark, and Mud doesn't seem to much either. However, they're genocide scheming was put to a hault by a random ambush of several dozen ghouls, who are rather easily disposed of.

Shortly after this, Mud tells Retchit of the Scorpion, and Retchit reveals it was probably an "Old Friend" of his, in which he lost a bet to. The Price for said Bet was his Soul. Obviously, Retchit escaped with it. So Since then, Retchit had been being a douche, pyro, and lunatic since then to make his soul as shitty as possible, so that the taker wouldn't want it anymore.

After revealing this, he convinces/everyone decides to simply go down to his friends demonic fort and kill him. Rark/Rork are convinced to come when Retchit mentions something about a Princess his friend had talked about Kidnapping, and probably still had. So, they departed, and instantly utilized a Fast Forward No Jutsu to get there rather quickly.

However, things didn't go quite as planned.
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General Stormcaller

General Stormcaller

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PostSubject: Re: The Epic Rp Breakdown   The Epic Rp Breakdown EmptyTue Aug 05, 2008 5:30 pm

Part 5[The Siege!ish.]

Directly after using the "Fast Forward no Jutsu" A long string of back and forth attempting to find each others, Retchit meets a Shady Dealer back at where he first used the thing. During this time, he eventually convinces the dealer to give him a shit-load of money, before going back to the fortress.

Upon seeing the fortress, they instantly storm the gates, killing the guards, and then killing the Liuetnant and his Minions directly within the gate. They then proceed to slaughter everything in, and some things not in, their path to the "Friends" Throne. Upon nearing it, Retchit explains who his friend in. His friend is a former Dreadlord, who failed so horribly at being evil himself, that he was given a nickname.

The Pinklord.

After several moments of laughing and joking directed at the Pink Lord, Retchit and the Henchpanions "Convince" the Pinklord to drop the Bet and leave. He agrees to do so, and directly aftewards Retchit makes a bet with him for a match the next Weekened. The Pinklord accepts and dissapears, after informing them of the Location of the Princess. Slaughting all in their path, they work there way down, eventually coming to the room of Broodmother Lincoln, who expects them to listen to his speech.

After informing the Broodmother that they don't wish to listen, they end up fighting and slaying the Broodmother, and then mvoe on to the Princess' final guard, disposing of him with ease as well. They open the doors, to find that the Princess is already dead. Well, Undead at least. Rark/Rork decided agaisnt raping the Princess, disgusted and afraid of being infected with the plauge. Misunderstanding and thinking that the Princess had been killed, while she was in fact an Undead Princess, they accidentally re-shut the doors to her prison and leave, freezing her in Arcane Animation once again, and leaving her alone in the castle.

Shortly aftewards, they depart the castle, and continue on with their adventures, totally ignoring a massive Demonic Army slaughtering an entire kingdom to there south east.

End of Episode 1.

And that's the Rp we did today. Mind you, it was all at once.

Now for Credits!

Directed by: No One.

Produced By: Gen.Stormcaller, Cotk, and Darkmico.
[We came up with the main plot and etc, depsite how much it changed.]

Co-Produced By: lilreon1
[We let him join in. =)]

Gen.Stormcaller: Retchit
Demon Scorpion
Forces of the Pinklord

CotK: Rark/Rork

Darkmico: Mud
Murloc Guards
Mud's Father
Broodmother Lincoln

lilreon1: Kael
Kael's GF

Other Rpers!:

Panda_: Luna

Feader: Northvale Guards/King/Demons/FrostOrcs.

Tr0blin: Undead in Burning City/Demonic Forces attacking Southern Kingdoms

orangelo: Southern Kingdom

Written By: No One.

Special Thanks to: Me, Myself, and I, for Writing This.

All the Random Rper's who depsite being absolutely clueless and not in the loop, still maanged to contribute.

CotK, Darkmico, and me for thinking this up.

The People who made SotDRP Malestrom[IT SHOULD BE MAELSTORM DAMNIT!!!!]

And Lilreon1, for being there, all Shaman-Like and stuff. Despite not even capitalizing his charecters Chat Title.

Episode 2 Coming Soon!....

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The Epic Rp Breakdown Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Epic Rp Breakdown   The Epic Rp Breakdown EmptyTue Aug 05, 2008 5:53 pm

Hey? Like this version of the story? Well you'll love the REAL version twice as much!

(It start from the fourth post!!!)

Oh, and that rp was awesome, Stormguy, I've already got plans for the sequel's prequel!

Oh! And I get to do some credit stuff too!

Let's see

I'm lowering my 'thanking ratio' a bit, I'm only going to thank the Good roleplayers. Not for roleplaying good, oh no, but for putting up with the not so good ones, and helping them roleplay better.

"But wait, Darkmico! I don't put up with newbs!"

"Well I'm not talking to you, then, am I?" Laughing

I'd also like to thank....

The Academy
TrpL (for inviting me into the clan for mah lheet roleplaying skhills)
Broodmother Lincoln (For being such an awesome character!)
Mud (for being such an easy to roleplay multiple times character!)
the Kul'Tiras (") (for ego)
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